Starting June 28, 2012 the city of Davao will ban all the plastics and polystyrene foam. And people are having controversial topics regarding the issue.
No more plastic cellophane for ice, ice candies and ice water. No more spaghetti take out from my favorite fast food chain. And no more plastic bags for shopping.
And I remember Baskets and NET BAGS.
BASKET. The basket is one of humankind's oldest art forms, and it is certainly an ethnic and cultural icon filled with myth and motif, religion and symbolism, and decoration as well as usefulness. Basketry, in fact, encompasses a wide range of objects from nearly rigid, box-like carriers to mesh sacks. Baskets range in size from "burden baskets" that are as much as 3 ft (91.44 cm)in diameter to tiny collectibles 0.25 in (0.64 cm) in diameter.
Some baskets are manufactured by machines, however part of the tradition is that baskets are defined as receptacles that are woven by hand of vegetable fibers. Although baskets may have distinct bottoms and tops, they are essentially continuous surfaces. They are woven in that their fibers are twisted together, but, unlike the weaving of textiles, tension is not placed on length-wise threads (the warp) because the fibers are less flexible than threads.
Baskets are part of the heritage of nearly every native people, and types of construction differ as radically as other customs and crafts. Uses for baskets may be the most uniting feature. Dry food is gathered, stored, and served in baskets; liquids are also retained in baskets that have been waterproofed. Basket-making techniques are used for clothing, hats, and mats. Openwork baskets are made to function as filters (for tea in Japan) and as sieves and strainers. Their variety and clever construction also makes baskets desirable as decorations in primitive cultures as well as modern homes.
I still remember this basket when my mama and I used to go to the market. It is too heavy and bulky to carry especially when the basket is loaded with heavy things. It is so difficult for us to carry for a long time. That is why my mama usually leave the basket near my uncles fish store at BANKEROHAN PUBLIC MARKET.
When I am thinking of net shopping bags it takes me back to my very early childhood when people still used them. Mostly the older ladies , my lola had one but to be honest she didn’t really use it much and at the time, I wasn’t interested in netted bags. 

But now I think the net bag should be back in. If we think of preserving MOTHER EARTH, well we should use this for our alternative bag for shopping.
For me net bag’s is a fashion. Now there are a lot of choices of nature friendly shopping bags and I like them quite a lot. Like what we have from SM DAVAO CITY, the Green Bag.
also from Squidoo…
and NCCC MALL of DAVAO.....
Somewhere between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year. At the supermarket check out you are given a choice - paper or plastic?
The answer should be 'Neither thank you I have my own reusable grocery bag'!
Plastic bags harm the environment, wildlife and contribute to global warming. Yet we do have a choice and we should vote with our actions.